The Impact Of The Tourism Sector On The Economy Of Georgia

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Maia Gelashvili
Naira Kirimlishvili


In today’s world, tourism has a positive impact on the country’s economy. This is especially important for solving the fi nancial problems of small and developing countries such as Georgia. The development of the tourism industry contributes to the growth of financial income and job creation, and from the point of view of economic policy – sustainable development of the country, attracting foreign investment and ensuring the introduction of modern innovative environmental technologies. which ultimately affects the economic well-being of society. To develop tourism, it is important to develop a strategic plan and concept at each regional level so that tourism does not develop chaotically. In particular, negative phenomena such as excessive consumption of natural resources, air pollution, destruction of the cultural landscape, degradation of biodiversity and many others will be prevented. The government’s readiness to develop tourism should be transparent and responsible, since the government, on the one hand, expresses its readiness to develop tourism, on the other hand, begins the construction of hydroelectric power plants in the same region, which, of course, has a negative impact on both natural resources and the population. That is why it is important to attract the population to the development of stable and sustainable tourism in the regions. This activity will ultimately help strengthen the area, which is a prerequisite for the socio-economic development of the country’s population, as well as improving the quality of life.

Protected Areas, Landscape, Capacity Ecotourism, Agritourism, Tourism Industry
Published: Jul 19, 2022

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Economics and Business Administration