The Tourism Potential of Shida Kartli is One of the Contributing Factors of the Economy

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Avtandil Lafachi


Georgia has always attracted people with its diverse and incomparable nature, historical and cultural monuments, characteristic traditions, etc. The tourist potential of Shida Kartli is usually connected with the abundance of cultural-historical and religious monuments of the four municipalities in this area. According to last year’s dynamics, the flows of tourists and visitors in Shida Kartli region increased signifi cantly, which is a positive trend. However, it should be noted that a large number of visitors to tourist facilities are different types of visitors and not tourists.

Among the factors causing the increase in the number of tourists and visitors, it is worth noting the measures of infrastructure organization at the regional level, improvement of the criminal situation in the country in general, advertising of the country’s tourism potential in the world’s leading media. etc. In general, the region has a great tourism potential, but there is a need to develop and off er competitive tourism products. It is possible to develop medical tourism, ecotourism, agrotourism, cultural-cognitive tourism, active and extreme tourism in the region. The tourism potenial of Shida Kartli is one of the contributing factors of the economy.

Visitor, Tourist, Tourist Potential, Types of Tourism, Tourist Sights
Published: Jul 18, 2022

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Economics and Business Administration