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By defining the place of consumption in the marketing system, as well as the general content of the problem, we consider the areas of research where the active role of the consumer is manifested.
Consumer behavior as one of the directions of marketing research corresponds to the study of the active role of consumption in the market economy. This topic has found its place in the research, mainly in modern foreign authors of the West, such as P. Kotler, B. Berman, J. Evans, D. Shandezon, A. Lancastr, J. Lamben, etc.
Representatives of marginalism laid the theoretical foundation of the issue of consumption, on the basis of which the views on the goals and objectives of consumer behavior in modern marketing are developing. Briefly speaking, this heritage is reduced to the theory of rational behavior as the basis for optimizing choice under conditions of resource scarcity. Marginalism opened the way to quantitative assessments of utility, thus turning consumption into an object of study of specific economic sciences, including mathematics, without considering the analysis of expectations of consumer behavior, included in the development of economic thought by the same Marginalists. В. Pareto and J. Hicks, authors of the ordinalist utility function, developed these ideas and came to the concept of the indifference curve. In essence, later marginalists helped the consumer discover the utility of individual objects, but asserted such ability with respect to the consumer set.